Privacy Policy




CrazyDiscountCode is a discount voucher business offering you a bunch of great online deals from the most popular retailers/brands. The website works closely with various networks and third party brands to gain commissions by advertising their, products on its platform. The website does not indeed own any of the brands that are available on display; it is just a third party platform that provides users with the best deals and discounts. When the user clicks on the link placed on the site he/she will be redirected to the main brand site, and in return we earn a small commission.  

The policy explains the workings of CrazyDiscountCode and how it processes your data. Kindly go through carefully, as it will specify the rights you would have and how you could exercise them.

Data Collection and Use

We are obliged to protect the privacy of our users. We are the sole owners of the data collected on the site. We do not sell, share, or rent this data to others in ways different from those disclosed in this statement.

Data is collected from you at several different points on the website; we sometimes may also collect data from other companies, such as demographic and navigation data regarding you which might be available on other websites or databases solely to make your experience better every time. By providing and submitting your data to us you consent us for the use of that data as set out in this policy.

The data we collect from you may be transferred to and stored at, a destination located out-side of the European Economic Area ("EEA"). By providing data to the website you expressly admit to such data being transferred or stored outside of the EEA. Unfortunately, the transmission of data via the web is not entirely secure, and although we take all reasonable steps to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee the security of it. Any transmission of personal data to the website is at your own risk.

IP Tracking

Your IP address and session details such as pages viewed and the type of browser you used is captured and stored in the form of cookies. This data is automatically logged in our database and will be utilized to provide better services as you visit the next time.

Data Sharing

Sometimes, we may share (whether or not for payment) aggregated demographic data with our partners, clients and advertisers. We share the data in order to maintain integrity of our website since the website only procures revenue through commissions.

We may also partner with third parties along the way to provide specific services. When you sign-up for these services, if you were to sign-up for these services we may share your name and email address.


Cookies are small text files, a web server sends to your browser of your computer it stores information about the pages/brands you frequent to. The cookies help us to get a better understanding of the services you like in order to prepare offers for you. They are widely used to optimize the website to work more efficiently.

The website works with cookies to differentiate you from others visiting our website. These cookies help us to provide you with a good user experience and also helps us in improving our website. When you use our services, you are allowing us to capture the data from these cookies.

We use the following cookies:

Analytical/performance cookies: They help us to track the visitors on our website. They are an absolute essential, because with the help of them we know how a user moves around our site. Due to these cookies we can easily evaluate the site performance and can maintain it optimally.

Targeting cookies: The user data and behavior information collected from targeting cookies allows us to make advertising services more relevant to the user’s interests. They also help us in conveniently gathering information so that it can be shared with the third parties for this specific purpose.

Advertising cookies: These cookies are used to assist with delivering online advertisement on this website or those of third parties. They may gather a de-identified, non-human readable version of your email address to compare with the other data of you for improving the relevance of online advertising. It might also collect the following information of yours: IP address, browser or operating system type


Since CrazyDiscountCode is a commission based website that generates its revenues by affiliating itself with third party profiles, you might find most of our links redirect-able. The privacy policy mentioned on our website is specifically in place for the users standing still at our domain. As soon as you are redirected this policy wouldn’t hold. So, in any case of redirection to another page kindly go through their policy before making any purchase, or before providing any personal information.


At our website we offer newsletter services for all those who provide us with their email addresses upon visiting. These services are specifically designed for each user according to their frequent brand visits, and also according to their unique time spent on a specific page on our site. If you wish to get better deals and would like to be in the know of all sales currently up and running on your favorite stores. Be sure to opt for this service.


Data Protection Act 1998 (the “Act”)

We shall only use your personal data in accordance with the legal requirements, principles and best practice recommendations of the Act that grants you various rights in respect of the processing of your personal data. For more details about your rights under the Act, the rules we have to adhere to in collecting and storing your data, and how you can check your data records, kindly visit:

To Change/Remove Data

If at any time you might want to update your email address or remove the details you might have provided us for reasons. Then you can easily do so by contacting us easily on our email.

Note: We may remove the data from our files but will keep a copy of your search preferences in order to maintain the site according to your needs in the event you come back.


If you have any questions about this policy or the website, or about how we use and process your personal data, kindly do not hesitate to contact us through e-mail at: [email protected]



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DISCLOSURE: If you buy a product or service after clicking one of our links, we may be paid a commission

Crazy Discount Code collects & utilizes cookies from third-parties & affiliate networks to improve user experience. If you buy a product or service after clicking on one of our links, we may get a commission. Read more